Goaltenders at Donnan Hockey are instructed by Kenny Cameron, OR Sports student and goalie for the Spruce Grove Saints (AJHL) using the OR Sports method. Here’s a short video and description of some of the ideas behind what is taught to our goalies:
Optimum Reaction (OR) Sports over the past several years has studied goaltending to determine if there is something constant and common among the top performers. They worked with goaltenders at each level from novice to the NHL and discovered that there is one.
Their study revealed very clearly that the constant quality these top performers share is not style, athleticism, size or technical ability. It is that they consistently stop the puck more than others by establishing or maintaining proper ‘visual attachment’ on the puck while maintaining the ability to move, eliminating delays. What OR Sports discovered is that proper ‘visual attachment with the ability to move’ is established or maintained through Head Trajectory™.
Head TrajectoryTM impacts the ability to efficiently execute every aspect of your training, development and game play, based on your setup. It empowers the athlete to train on the values of efficiency versus just speed and seeing the puck versus just looking at it. It exposes the difference between being able versus unable to execute your save and post-save responses, eliminating delays. Simply put OR Sports teaches you what your body requires in order to perform your best.
They train the athlete how to properly track the puck using Head TrajectoryTM, eliminating delays in visual attachment, movement, rotation and access to the puck in all game play situations.
Learning proper Head TrajectoryTM is like turning on a switch. It exposes the goaltender’s true technical and physical breakdowns immediately. This enables coaches and goaltenders to target specific areas for improvement and the goaltender to advance quickly. Such rapid improvement comes from subjecting all training to the use of proper Head TrajectoryTM, the common denominator to consistent optimum performance.
OR Sports founder Lyle Mast, has studied and researched athletic performance to find the true mechanism and training platform for optimum reactions and performance. The result is an unprecedented program based on Head TrajectoryTM, that instantly impacts the goaltenders ability to perform optimally.